Endure Unto the End, My Child!

Endure Unto the End, My Child!

By Sharon Ray


On the 21st of December we celebrated the winter solstice; the day of least sunlight had arrived. From that point forward day length has been increasing by about one minute each day, and will continue to increase until the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Winter solstice is a joy because light is on the increase!

We had a bonfire before dawn, by the labyrinth—the NEW labyrinth. As the sun rose over the eastern hills, Craig and John Henry set a marker where the tall, winter solstice stone was to stand. Later a huge stone pillar replaced the marker, completing the new labyrinth. Every winter solstice the sun will rise exactly over that tall stone—we have marked the spot!

When I saw the smooth-looking, crushed granite pathways of the new labyrinth, I wanted to take off my boots and socks, despite the bitter cold temperature. Barefoot, I stood at the entrance and made my way in.

Immediately, I felt my feet freeze and the cold rising up painfully through my ankles and calves. I felt the tiny pieces of granite pierce the tender bottoms of my feet. I wanted to turn around and walk (preferably run) out of the labyrinth and put my socks and boots back on.

Straightaway my mind flashed back to a lesson I had previously learned regarding a doable, if hardly bearable, challenge. The lesson was: “You have started this thing; now you finish!” I perceived this predicament as a test of my will and desire for mastery over myself; “How strong is that desire?”

I walked on. Every once in awhile I’d brush off the tiny stones sticking to my feet, like pins in a pincushion. “A measure of mercy should not be considered cheating!” I told my doubtful mind. My agonizing was made bearable by my memory of Paramahansa Yogananda’s poem, “The Boatman” in which he vows:

I will come again and again!
Crossing a million crags of suffering,
With bleeding feet, I will come—
If need be, a trillion times—
As long as I know
One stray brother is left behind.

Finally reaching the center of the labyrinth I renewed my dedication to live for God alone. Miracle of miracles—on my long return walk back to the entrance, I felt no more pain!

What a powerful morning it was, preparing for the new year in a good way: a labyrinth adventure.


Celebrate Life!

Celebrate Life!

A monthly weekend celebration at Sunburst Sanctuary

by Dawn King

On Saturday I hurried to the gym for Patty’s “Celebrate Life!” gentle yoga class. Somehow, I’d gotten there 30 minutes early. My first thought was of distress over all the chores at home that I could have been doing for 30 minutes. Immediately, my right shoulder good angel piped up: “You’re not that important, Dawn. Chill out!”

This was rather humbling to hear. But, I realized this meant home chores would wait, spiritual awareness is more important, and I needed to de-stress. Maybe this was an opportunity to chat with some of the people in the dining room. I found the conversations going on at that moment were quite deep, and seemed hard to join for someone as amped as I was.

I went outside and cleaned the sidewalk. Sunburst’s is a sanctuary for wildlife as well as Spirt. The sidewalk leading to the temple and lodge is used by deer, wild turkeys and pigs, bobcats, foxes, great blue, as well as, white herons and more. It’s a surprise each day to see what tracks and droppings appear there. Meanwhile, everyone enjoys seeing all these wild creatures quite close up. Since no one bothers them, they are very comfortable around people.

Finally, I joined a few folks resting quietly on yoga mats for the last few minutes before class started. This gave me time to contemplate humility and thankfulness, Sunburst’s themes this month. I thanked God for my opportunity to enjoy soul attunement with like-minded friends, some newly made.Later, all who cared to, enjoyed a fun Sacred Geometry presentation and hands-on activity, led by Craig Hanson.



This “Celebrate Life!” weekend of activities took place just before Thanksgiving and Chanukah, which coincide this year. It was beautiful crisp fall weather, with warm days and spirit-warming activities. Each of these monthly celebrations includes: Friday evening restorative yoga, Saturday a.m. guided meditation, light breakfast and gentle yoga, lunch followed by a special activity, early dinner and evening music with short meditation. There’s plenty of time to relax or socialize between events. Sunday’s spiritual grand finale is a deeply inspiring service followed by a lovingly prepared brunch.A lot of connecting, healing, helping, releasing, relaxing and spiritual growing takes place during these wonderful events.


If you have a story to share about your experience at Sunburst’s “Celebrate Life!” please leave a comment below.

Winter Solstice Weekend at Sunburst

Winter Solstice Weekend at Sunburst

Solstice 2012 labyrinth walk

This was an amazing and wonderfully peaceful weekend celebrating deep connection and re-dedication to awakening Spirit within. Friday morning, December 21, marked winter solstice. After morning meditation in the temple, some hearty souls greeted the first rays of the rising sun at Sunburst’s Hopi labyrinth. A warming fire had been built next to the labyrinth before sunrise. It was a beautiful and frosty morning as one walked the labyrinth, while also welcoming the 5th World of Hopi, and a renewal of the Mayan Calendar. The day was punctuated with meditations for world peace.

Winter Solstice evening celebration and ceremony in the temple featured a symbolic walk down the 8 paths and around the 12 virtues. Twinkling candles, crystals and sparkling decorations marked the keyhole pathway. Each celebrant lit a candle to inspire a personal goal, or prayer, at this sacred turning point.

Solstice eve 2012

Saturday was a quiet day around the main area, with ongoing meditations in the temple. Lovingly prepared light meals were served. Two yoga classes were offered: yin in the morning, and yang in the afternoon. Evening meditation broke into joyous singing to celebrate the season, our inspiration and all we have to be thankful for.

Of course, the Mayan calendar has now turned a new page on a more awakened world. In 1987, Sunburst celebrated the Harmonic Convergence, which marked the beginning of the end of ignorance regarding the possibility of spiritual consciousness. In my own lifetime, this writer has seen an escalation of humanity’s heart and mind opening to let go of prejudice, increasing tolerance, compassion and love for the rest of humanity and our planet. Current events continue to offer opportunities for such soul growth.

Many souls were inspired to join in Sunday’s service and fellowship. The temple saw its first Christmas celebration and its largest crowd to date. Sunburst’s current spiritual director, Patricia Paulsen led the service. Later in the lodge no one wanted to leave the happy warmth of our gathering, but eventually we all had to go home and prepare for more upcoming holiday celebrations.

Sunday meditation

All Hallow’s Eve – a poem

All Hallow’s Eve – a poem

All Hallow’s Eve
By Dawn King

Walking home from evening yoga at the Lodge, the sky is awesome.
Twinkling stars peak from between scattered buttermilk clouds.
In the East, a full moon rises from behind low fog.
Other clouds appear to be glowing angels hovering protectively overhead.

I pause at the labyrinth, stepping purposefully into its center;
only my feet knowing why and where.
Moonlight plays upon the the standing stones.
I’m mesmerized—such beauty overhead and all around me!

The journey calls me onward, though my soul desires to stay in this timeless joy forever.
Now I’m overwhelmed by a symphony of crickets,
as well as intriguing shadows of pendulous leaves suspended from branches
…about to embrace fall’s naked truth.

Sweet cool breath of Nature’s ever shifting fragrance
allows me deep drafts of life… renewed.
And I am renewed!

Moonlight on the Labyrinth

Harvest Celebration

Harvest Celebration





We had yet another fun gathering take place at the Sunburst Sanctuary last week-end during the bright and beautiful October Harvest moon. The autumn is such a wonderful time to gather when the days are sunny and warm, and the nights are starting to get cold. There is something about the contrast when the temperatures drop forty degrees between day and night when one can really feel the power of the changing seasons. Fall on the central coast is so beautiful with the many vineyards and local native trees changing colors, and many pumpkin patches are within visiting distance in the nearby towns of Los Olivos, and Santa Ynez.

Patty leads a relaxing and restorative yoga class. 
yoga class

Some of the activities for October’s Celebrate Life were two classes of yoga, a restorative evening class and a more invigorating morning class, and a wonderful Autumn hike in the afternoon. Dinner was served on the outside patio where we could observe the incredible beauty of the landscape complete with wandering groups of deer and other wildlife. Our meal, prepared by Core Foods chef Kira, was complete with all the warming foods of the harvest- potatoes, squash, kale, and other delights were served. A view of the setting sun to a long and luxurious day at Sunburst was an added bonus, followed by an evening of sacred songs….such a nice way to celebrate life!

The glorious full moon over the mountains blessed the end of our day. 
full moon over mountains

September Kriya II Workshop

September Kriya II Workshop

Sunburst was honored once again with a very special group of participants in the September Kriya 2 workshop. Silence was observed before and after the event, adding to the sacredness of the day, and a rose petal pathway to the workshop reminded us of our pure selves and the sacred journey we each walk.

Jake and Patty led an inspiring talk and teaching about the movement of breath along the spine called the Circulation of the Light, which helps us to open our spinal centers, illuminating our minds and balancing the masculine and feminine forces within us.

sunday meditation

Sitting in the beautiful room, surrounded by friends and new acquaintances, there was an indescribable peace that filled the air and a feeling a gratitude for the chance to make a deeper connection with each other and with Spirit.


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