What a wonderful start we had to 2020, a year ago, with Sunburst’s January 6, 2020, Kriya Retreat. From the photo you can see it was well attended. This brings us to our current unique opportunity: On January 9, 2021 Sunburst is offering a …Kriya Initiation Renewal, via Zoom, for anyone who has attended a Sunburst Kriya Initiation. Contact the Sunburst office to attend: 805-736-6528, [email protected]. Sunburst Sanctuary is constantly being prepared for its reopening to the public. Work is ongoing to maintain and improve the property and it’s structures. The grounds, fields, crops and animals are lovingly cared for. Hiking trails are routinely kept open, and communications kept up and running. It will be a glorious day when the gates can open again for Sunday Meditation services and fellowship. Let us all continue to be safe, stay well, and be ready for a wonderful reunion in person when that day arrives.
Today we honor Master Yogananda, the direct teacher of Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen. Yogananda taught Norman to meditate, and opened his mind and heart to the ancient Kriya Yoga path of spiritual growth. Following is an excerpt from Paramahansa Yogananda: A small cup cannot hold an ocean within itself. However, through the definite science of meditation known for millenniums to the yogis and sages of India, and to Jesus, any seeker can enlarge the caliber of his [her] consciousness to omniscience—to receive the Universal Intelligence of God. Jesus did not go through the sublime drama of his life merely to provide sermon material for generations of preachers and their Sunday audiences. He lived, died and was gloriously resurrected as an inspiration to others to live a divine life and attain in themselves his experiences of God and the afterlife. The Christ consciousness of Jesus can be brought into the souls of all who make the effort to receive it.
It is an initiation of sorts to have Jupiter and Saturn appearing so close to each other in our skies. Not since 1226 has humankind viewed this phenomenon. These two planets stand at the portal between the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and our solar system’s far off outer planets, and beyond. Their conjunction indicates a “Reality Check,” for us on Earth.They symbolizes the gateway between physical birth and spiritual realization.
Jupiter helped shape the Solar System, and continues to be the planet receiving the most frequent comet impacts. It is an enormous planet, 11 times the radius of Earth, with a mass greater than 2 and a half times that of all the other planets in the Solar system combined. It is one of the brightest objects in our night sky.
In Sanskrit, Jupiter is called Guru, It radiates spiritual wisdom, good judgement, free will, beneficence, youthfulness, joy, abundance, and unconditional love. Jupiter gives us a new look at the big picture of our life, and helps us understand how we can fulfill our purpose here. This friendly planet bestows optimism and trust in life, helping us plan and take action for a better life.
Saturn is the second largest planet, Jupiter being the largest. Saturn is the farthest planet from Earth that we can see without a visual aid. Nine times wider than Earth, if Earth was a nickel in size, Saturn would be a volleyball. It has sixty moons and a complex ring system extending far into space.
Saturn is far from the Sun, distant and cold. It is called Shani in Sanskrit, and upholds discipline, responsibility, structure, boundaries and limitations, time, aging and karma, or Law. The law demands that you reap what you sow with your actions, thoughts and desires.
Viewing these giants of our Solar System should inspire us to reexamine our lives, our goals, our values. We are creating our future with every breath. It is wise to let go of what does not serve our highest good, so that which is uplifting and more appropriate can enter and enrich our lives. Being disciplined in our thoughts, actions and intentions is being in harmony with Saturn. Using free will to develop our spiritual nature, and find our best direction in life is being in harmony with Jupiter. These planets in our December sky symbolize the “Reality Check” in which 2020 is culminating.
The Spring Equinox of 2020 marked not only the first day of the spring, but also the seriousness of the coronavirus Covid-19, which had begun spreading through our country. Our Sunburst Sanctuary gathering at the labyrinth was a quiet one, reflected in the few people who attended, and by Mother Nature with her ‘dragon breath’ currents flowing across the land. ~ Letha Kiddie
Ischa Beharry: Reflecting on the current affairs of our country and the world a week ago, the following thought came to me — that the Divine is behind it, is acting through it and will be involved after it. Whenever I receive such thoughts, I make no attempt to analyze, dissect, rationalize or intellectualize them. They’ve come always as answers to my own personal questions and, as such, I trust them completely. In truth, I desperately needed an answer as to “Why this worldwide pandemic, and what might society and the world at large learn from it?” What is the overall spiritual lesson embedded in it that might help elevate humanity at all levels of its existence? Well, “ask, and it shall be given.” The following is an excerpt from an article by Paramhansa Yogananda entitled, A Vision for World Harmony, that addresses most eloquently both my questions:
“Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still, as children of the one God we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity.… In our hearts we can all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new civilization.”
“World fellowship” seems a very simple phrase, but in these two words is the panacea for all the individual, social, and political ills that are threatening the world’s material, mental, moral, and spiritual happiness.… World fellowship alone can banish hatred and prevent wars. World fellowship alone can stabilize prosperity for all mankind. Therefore I say to you, bring that fellowship into your hearts by communing with God.… As soon as you feel God in your heart, you will contribute to world civilization as no king or politician has ever done before.
I believe a time will come when in greater understanding we shall have no boundaries anymore. We shall call the Earth our country; and we shall, by a process of justice and international assembly, distribute unselfishly the goods of the world according to the needs of the people. But equality cannot be established by force; it must come from the heart. The greatest blessing would be to develop international understanding by which we may realize this truth.
I believe that if every citizen in the world is taught to commune with God (not merely to know Him intellectually), then peace can reign; not before. When by persistence in meditation you realize God through communion with Him, your heart is prepared to embrace all humanity. Therefore, my friends, resolve that you will love the world as your own nation, and that you will love your nation as you love your family. Through this understanding you will help to establish a world family on the indestructible foundation of wisdom.
We each should be asking ourselves, “How can I get off to a good start this year? …this month …this week …today? Or, we may be wondering how to accomplish something that might seem daunting—beyond our abilities. What to do first?
If you know that your goal is positive, worthwhile, and helpful to humanity and the planet in some way, then Go for it! Your first step should be to fully visualize, or conceptualize your goal. Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen, usually asked for spiritual direction before beginning any undertaking. This could have resulted in a quick Go for it! during meditation, or the need for repeated requests for direction over many months. Timing is everything, and perhaps it wasn’t time to act yet.
When we’re simply thinking of “How can I get off to a good start today,” or “What should I focus on today?” we can usually get a quick answer. Hopefully we meditate each morning and feel inspired. Beyond that, Paramahansa Yogananda stated that we were given rational minds to help us solve problems, and function successfully on this dimension. Give yourself some time to think through what needs to take place.
Setting clear intentions can make a world of difference. Sometimes we add to this a prayer asking for help in accomplishing our goal. If we’re still uncertain that the direction we are about to take is the best one, asking for Divine clarity is a good idea. Sometimes, we haven’t gotten clear direction. Sometimes Spirit wants us to make a decision ourselves—to commit to an action by our own volition. If we are truly wanting to serve the Divine plan, we move forward with a heart that is open to changing course, if it’s needed. Trust that such a needed change will become obvious very quickly.
Sunburst Sanctuary facilitates our getting off to a good weekly start every Sunday. Each New Year finds Sunburst offering a blessing ceremony for our intentions into that year. On January 4th, Saturday evening, we gathered in the Sanctuary Lodge for a fire/seed ceremony. At this event, accompanied by inspired music, we symbolically cast what did not serve us into the fire, and set free our positive aspirations into higher realms. It was a beautiful ceremony amidst friends, old and new, reminding us of our unity with all the love and sweetness within and behind this creation.