Vision of Elders

Vision of Elders

by Jake Collier

When I was a young boy, about eight or nine, my friend and I were anxiously anticipating the end of school. We raced home to his house because it was the beginning of a new show on TV that afternoon called “The Mickey Mouse Club.” It became a daily goal of mine to watch that show.

On one of the shows they revealed an answer to one of my questions—how all the wonderful images were created on the screen. They did a show about going into the Disney Studios and interviewing animators. They explained how they sketch a figure, and then on the next page the figure would be slightly different, and so on. When you flipped the pages, this figure came to life. On film, each scene or frame is a still image. All those stills are put on celluloid and run through a projector, and merge into motion and life on the screen.

The greatest animator and filmmaker is our Creator. We look around us, and we see such incredible images. From the very outer rim of creation to the very core of it, our Divine Creator projects images and gives them life. This incredible creation keeps growing; new galaxies are being born, new images are being created.

Each breath is a new beginning, a new chance, a new opportunity.

With high-powered microscopes, we learn how hard rocks, surfaces, and metals are made up of particles that have space around them. Sometimes we feel like our body is a solid mass, but when we sit in deep meditation, we can feel the space, that Divine space and energy that gives life to all we see within, and all around us.

The greatest storyteller of all time is our Creator. The greatest director and screenplay writer has set into motion this creation. It fashioned these bodies so that It may play all the parts and experience its own creation—to hear it, see it, smell it, touch it, taste it.

On a vacation or a trip, when we see a beautiful scene or image that moves us deeply, we snap a picture of it to share with others. Somehow the camera doesn’t capture what we felt. No matter how much we try to describe that experience, the other person viewing the photograph doesn’t really feel the full impact. That’s because we have to experience it on a cellular level to receive the full impact of this life.

With a tool of meditation, one can dive deep and experience the Divine, to experience our Creator. We can feel our inner senses open up, inner vision, inner hearing. Through meditation, we can receive answers to our questions. We’re able to view life around us like a motion picture, and we begin to be able to discern our direction in this life, our part in this play, this Divine motion picture. Meditation is the key that unlocks the doors, that solves the mysteries of this life.

We learn about how much thrust it takes for a rocket to overcome the field of this earth’s gravity. Likewise, meditation takes will power; it takes conditioning; it takes practice. To break out of these images that we see around us, and discover who we really are, takes an incredible amount of effort and dedication. How we’ve lived our lives in the past, how hard we put forth an effort each day, and how much Divine Grace we are given, all factor into how and when we make a break through. Men and women before us have done it, have broken through and become one with their Divine Creator.

In a motel room one night, I started to meditate. As soon as I sat down and started circulating the light, a room opened up before my inner vision. Ancient ones in white robes were walking into the room, about seven of them. They began to sit down and face me in meditation. The figure closest to me held up his hand with the palm facing towards me. I felt an energy of acknowledgment, understanding, and willingness to help and be a part of our lives here.

What we see with our physical eyes is just one plane of existence. There are so many other planes, wonderful places of beauty. By meditating and going within, we can discover these places and experience them. They become an aid in helping us get through the trials of existence here.

The ancient ones are watching us. They cheer us on and celebrate our victories; they feel our pain when we’re struggling. They are here to help us, to encourage us. They understand how hard it is here to break through.

I was so overwhelmed and overjoyed to experience their presence. The next night in my motel room when I began to meditate, there they were again, all sitting in meditation with me.

We have each other, and we have the help of the angels, and the ancient ones that have walked this journey before us. They have blazed the trail and marked the way. All we need to do is make the effort. Then we can realize and experience things in this life that are beyond description, beyond words, for when we experience a touch of the Divine, we are changed forever. It gives us an insatiable thirst to be divinely touched again and again.

Almighty Spirit, our Creator, our true friend,
We give thanks for the opportunity to participate in this drama we call life.

Guide us, keep us strong and healthy, that we might maintain and overcome any obstacles that confront us. Open up our inner senses, that we might experience the oneness that truly exists here in this creation, the oneness of Your life and Your love. Help us to see your face in everyone we meet, and may we always see your divine fingerprint in this creation.

Preparing the Vessel

Preparing the Vessel

by Norman Paulsen

The wonderful experiences that I have been blessed with were given to me for one reason only: that through all my trials, my heart has never desisted from loving and seeking God. No matter what I was doing, good or bad, I could never quit loving God.

If I made a mistake, I always asked His forgiveness and started again. By our love and devotion to God, we begin to taste his immortality. It can be seen; it can be heard; it can be felt. It is the most incredible experience. Yes, touching the hem of the divine garment.

As each and every one of us moves toward heaven, toward the blessed experience of immortality, we will begin to feel God’s power in us, more and more. He tests each one of us to see how much we can take, like thrusting steel into the fire again and again to increase its temper. At times, you may cry to God, “Why am I so mistreated? O God, is your hand so set against me?”

If you listen to the silence, you will hear God saying, “I want you so strong for future work that no matter what happens, you will never break.” God cannot pour down his life and light, power and wisdom unless he is sure that the vessel is prepared to hold it. That is why the path to heaven is difficult, and described as a razor’s edge.

I bear witness to heaven, to immortality, today. If we persevere, each and every one can gain that experience, and see and know and understand our Creator, Divine Mother and Father God.

O Divine Comforter, no matter how difficult the path,
I know You have blessed me with the faculties
by which I am able to bear what comes to pass.

As I journey homeward, please hear my soul calling.
I will pursue you every moment of my conscious life.
I will forever persevere, O Spirit Divine,
to develop the willpower to never give up!
I must meet you face to face.
I must hold you in my arms, if you will allow.

You are my Father;
you are my Birth Mother, the Creator of my soul.

From you have I come forth into this world,
into this sea of faces.

I look for you in every face, O Beloved.
Will you please come forth and reveal yourself to me
somehow, somewhere, someday?

I will continue to pursue you in every image and in every place,
until I find you hiding in the mirror image of my own face.

A New Year Message

A New Year Message

by Patty Paulsen, Sunburst Spiritual Director

Dear Friends, As a new year and a new decade dawns, may we greet it with gratitude and the awareness that we have a dynamic power residing within our minds to create ever-new inspiration and joy even in the midst of challenges. Let us be a steady beacon of light for this changing world and carry a message of hope, peace, and love in our hearts.

In Sunburst’s 50th year as an intentional spiritual community, we know all too well how challenging it is to weather the storms of change, loss, and disillusionment—code words for transformation. Just as the proverbial phoenix rises from the ashes, so does human and spiritual growth often arise from hardship. Since the human spirit is one which we all share, we are keenly affected not only by our own suffering, but also by the suffering of others around the globe, including from the effects of rapidly changing weather and earthly conditions.

There is now a growing movement amongst all generations to belong to something bigger than themselves and desire to become better stewards of the Earth, her inhabitants and resources, and we support it wholeheartedly. Since Sunburst’s inception we have always balanced Spirit and Nature by creating gardens to inspire beauty and peacefulness, by encouraging hiking in her wilderness, and by producing fresh organically-grown food. Nature’s gardens bring people together in a way that complements our spiritual quest. It is yin and yang, the inner and the outer demonstration of spirit and form.

Paramahansa Yogananda chanted: “Spirit and Nature, dancing together. Victory to Spirit and victory to Nature!” symbolizing the inseparability of Spirit and its creative power, Nature.

Brother Norman Paulsen wrote: “Nature, the Mother of all life-forms, in her infinite variety, is the supreme teacher. Study her, for she springs forth from the imagination of our Creator.”

One of the newest undertakings at Sunburst Sanctuary has been to rekindle and embrace principles of permaculture. It is our intention to share these principles with others by continuing to offer permaculture design courses, along with our other events and retreats, throughout the new year; these nurture our connection with both Spirit and Nature.

In line with our Kriya tradition, we will continue to offer initiation retreats in techniques of meditation along with offering a yoga teacher-training course, and silent retreats. We hope you will find the inspiration to engage in these nurturing and well-planned retreats, events and gatherings.

With the affirming power of intention let’s envision our working together to continue to create a heaven on earth as we welcome 2020 with willing hearts, open minds, and an eager soul ready to help.

In Light of the Heavens

In Light of the Heavens

The heavens, through astrology, speak to us of our potential to shine. We are never limited by our natal astrology charts or the transit of the moment. Instead, we are pointed toward an avenue of harmony with Nature’s order, and fulfilling our destiny to realize our best, and truest Self. Sunburst’s Founder shared a cosmic teaching about the zodiac and how it can guide and inspire us monthly.
The Sun, seen from Earth, is traveling through the constellation of Sagittarius, beginning November 22 and lasting until the evening of December 21st and Winter Solstice. This is a time when we are invited to open our minds and hearts in humble appreciation of the miracle of life. In meditating on this, we may just  touch the hem of the Creator, and be transformed forevermore into a more joyous, loving person.
Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice

Throughout the ages humans have reverently noted the celestial movements of the Sun, planets and stars. Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year, is a celebrated event in numerous religions and cultures. This beginning of a solar year, the increase of the light, was the original New Year.

Sunburst Sanctuary chooses the Saturday closest to the winter solstice for a celebration of the return of solar light and the lengthening of day, much like ancient peoples. In the afternoon, the temple is open for a six-hour silent meditation and prayer, with a chime announcing the start and end of each hour when meditators can come and go as they like. An evening group dinner allows us the opportunity to reunite with friends new and old, after this quiet day of reflection.

After dark, luminaria brighten the path through Sunburst’s labyrinth, inviting an awe-filled journey around circuits of potential self-discovery. This walk can offer an experience of mental, emotional and spiritual “reset” as one travels to the center point and back. The center point represents one’s innermost being, so the path is a journey inward to reconnect with soul, and with purpose. The journey outward represents our intention to emerge anew into the world, perhaps with new inspiration, and new resolve.

For more information on Sunburst’s upcoming Winter Solstice celebration, click here.

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