Why Jesus Came
by Dawn King
Although Jesus spoke to the multitudes, there was only a small group that were his true followers and students. The multitudes of people who listened to Jesus, and even welcomed him into Jerusalem, were looking for an earthly leader, someone who might rise to political power and bring them relief from their difficult situation. But that’s not why Jesus came. He came to show a way that we might find an eternal salvation, to find heaven wherever we are, and forever more.
Unlike the money changers at the temple and the Pharisees, and many other people who interacted with him during his life, Jesus unfailingly stood for virtue. He was a light in this world through his example and what he taught. He loved God with all his heart and soul, showing us that we all would be right to do so as well.
Jesus loved his neighbor as himself, even forgiving those who persecuted him. Unlike politicians and those representing the day’s religious orders, he wasn’t looking for what the world could give him, or how he could manipulate the people around him. He was trying to show the way to become all that any human could be, to step up to one’s full height as a virtuous son or daughter of the one Creator. His message was that we could each attain to the Christ consciousness he exemplified.
So many are adrift today, or living in fear, not knowing how best to go on, how to find happiness, love, or security. They don’t realize who they truly are and what their purpose is here. It is a blessing and comfort to be a student of, and to embrace the spiritual truths that Jesus embodied. Through his example we can realize the immortality of our own souls, and the eternal values that should guide our lives.
To whatever extent we invite it, Christ consciousness will be present in our hearts, minds, and actions. We have the opportunity to wear the comfort and joy of the eternal Christ Light by following, as best we can, the teachings of our brother Jesus each moment of every day.
Coming Home to You
by Norman Paulsen
Mighty Spirit, Beloved, our Mother, our Father,
We, your children, love you oh Lord—our life, our creator, our God.
We seek to know you as a son or a daughter should know their mother and father.
We seek to meet you face to face.
We know you are alive, because we are alive.
We know you hear us, because we can hear the sounds of life.
We know you see us, because we see life around us.
We seek to hear your voice, as a mother and father to a son and daughter.
Our hearts ache for lack of knowing you.
Our world suffers in anguish and despair for having forgotten you, your law and your love.
We seek to know you not for own benefit,
But for the benefit of all your children, and this Earth.
On that day you reveal yourself to me,
When I hear your voice and see your light, I will have regained my natural state.
Again, I will be a true son and daughter.
I will have come home.
Knowing I am in no way above or below anyone else, nothing to be venerated or upheld,
On that day I will set about to do your will, oh Lord, wherever you guide me.
For without you, nothing would exist;
My heart would cease to beat, my senses no longer function.
My Mother, my Father, my eternal Companion, my Beloved, my dearest Friend,
Be with me from this day forward.
Pure Life that you are, enter into me.
In an instant, you can make me well, can change me forever.
Every day, let me be reminded of the twelve cosmic virtues,
That I diligently apply them to my life.
Through you, my Creator, Mother and Father,
I shall truly become a son, a daughter,
In the body of Christ, the eternal Light.
Seeing God’s Face Before Us
by Craig Hanson
Divine Spirit, Mother and Father,
We sit, immersed in your divine presence.
You fill us with such joy, knowing your eternal wisdom shines upon us.It’s brilliant light washes away all thoughts, all desires, save one,
the desire to love you with all our hearts, minds, and souls.We know that all our actions, all our thoughts,
can bring us to the face-to-face encounter with you, our Beloved.Amen.
As we look into the beauty of nature with our five senses, we can behold the perfect symmetry and beauty that surrounds us. It gives us inspiration, love, and guidance.
The value of meditation can be expressed in one word: peace. Peace is the absence of all thoughts. As we look upon the face of another in peace, no thoughts, no judgment, we can then behold God’s face shining back at us and realize it is our face.
The sun we see outside today winking at us through the clouds, is an expression of that same inner sun, our divine companion, that likes to play with us, hiding in and beyond the creation, playing with us, enjoying life. I’ll share a story that I feel captures the mystery and playfulness of divine Spirit.
Many years ago, I was living in a little place called Oasis, Nevada, just off Interstate-80 where I worked in the truck-stop. It was 150 miles from the nearest city and 30 miles from the nearest small town—so in the middle of nowhere—yet some amazing experiences took place for me there.
The front door had a little bell that rang when someone came into the store with its café. There we had an old cassette player, and I would play music for the customers. It was part of a game I played, imagining what kind of music a person would like when I saw them come in.
One day, around two or three in the afternoon, an incredibly beautiful woman came into the store. I had a sudden inspiration to play Jean-Pierre Rampal, classical flute music. She would really appreciate that, I thought, because she seemed very refined and also spoke French. She sat down in the café.
Having put the music on, I started to stock the shelves. The bell rang again, pretty hard this time, and I heard heavy footsteps come in the door. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a huge man. He had earrings and big patriotic tattoos. He must have weighed 270 pounds and been about 6 foot 7.
He was looking straight at me, and I suddenly thought he was going to do some damage. He walked right up to me with what seemed to me to be a menacing stare. My first thought was that I’d better turn the music off because he’s not liking that music.
When he got about three feet from me, in a surprisingly gentle voice he said, “My wife is a flutist for the Houston symphony orchestra, and she loves Jean Rampal!” His voice was so soft, and he had tears in his eyes. “Thank you so much for playing this music! You made my day, and it is nice meeting you.”
Then he turned around, and walked to the restroom. My jaw dropped, and I realized how much divine Spirit likes to play with us. That experience will always be with me. It shows that we are each created so differently, and yet are each so much a part of divine Spirit. So my prayer today is to see the divine beauty in everyone, and remember divine Spirit is always looking at us, and playing with us.
Oh divine Spirit, Mother, Father, we pray to you, that all your wonderful projections for this world will come about. We will be your hands, your minds, and your spirits, as we play and create a heaven upon this earth. So let it be done. Amen
May You Be an Inspiration
by Jaia
May you be a great inspiration, a light unto this world.
May you bring out the wisdom that is the very core of your being,
An angel waking up to the realization of its own natural beauty and power.
– Catherine Mauron (aka “Jaia”)