Seeking Guidance

Seeking Guidance

By Ischa Lea

Many years ago, I took a short leave from my job to explore the Tampa, Florida area. I was very excited at the possibility of moving from New Jersey to a warmer climate. More importantly, I wanted to live closer to friends and relatives. Having listened to its praises from people living there, Tampa seemed very promising, but I did some research on my own and proceeded to fly out there to see for myself.

Very excited about relocating, I returned to New Jersey and prayed about the idea. I instantly felt an overwhelming sense of discomfort. Anxiety suddenly replaced excitement. Gone was the heightened euphoria of just hours before! I knew then, without a doubt, that my intuitive spirit, my true Self, was guiding me to make the best choice. Its direction was the polar opposite of what my own research, knowledge and reasoning had dictated: a support structure awaiting me in Florida, possibilities of good employment, and fine weather.

Had I gone against my true Self’s direction, listened to my ego/mind’s promptings and relocated, I would have forfeited two golden opportunities–that of meeting my incredible spiritual teacher and later on meeting my beloved life partner and best friend. My ego/mind had guided me toward the fulfillment of a great desire, but my pure Self had guided me toward a great destiny! I was reminded of the words of Joseph Smith, Jr.: “The best way to obtain truth and wisdom is not to ask from books, but to go to God in prayers, and obtain divine teaching.”

Every sincere spiritual seeker has asked at one time or another: “How do I know if it’s my pure Self speaking to me or my ego/mind?” To ask this question regularly is to truly step into humility. To me, humility means allowing my heart to open itself to receiving divine wisdom, truth, and guidance directly from the One Source of all, and the life within. Humility is hardly a mark of weakness; rather, it is the greatest expression of strength there is, for to step into humility is to step into wisdom.

To ask whether the pure Self is speaking indicates one is on the right track to receiving clarity. When the pure Self speaks or directs us to do something, it often feels liberating. It also often beckons us to stretch our comfort zone. As we’re well aware, the ego/mind loves for us to stay in our comfort zone for that’s the easy way. The pure Self, on the other hand, pushes us beyond preconceived ideas and desires into what’s truly better for the present and the future.

The pure Self’s prompting is inspirational. It wants us to take action, and our need/desire then becomes a blessing, a gift, and not a chore. There’s a sense of true fulfillment when one accomplishes an inspired task, especially when it pushes one beyond a perceived limit. Spirit wants us to grow, expand, and express ourselves through living in our full God-given potential. We can use our individual gifts to be all that we can be, and support all others to equally express their unique talents and gifts to their fullest.

Listening to my pure Self has led me to living a life  filled with meaningful experiences, personal growth and learning, great joy, real friends, and unlimited possibilities. I’ve learned that the truest barometer of spiritual awakening is how well and how much we express virtue in our daily lives. It is the surest yardstick by which to measure just how much closer we may be getting to the goal of Self-Realization. We don’t have to think about virtue so much, but simply experience the depth of joy that results.

Each of us is here to experience and express fully the beautiful spark of the Divine that we are, to live Heaven on Earth. How can we possibly do that unless we listen for divine guidance, the fount of all wisdom and true knowledge?

Some of the qualities of decisions guided by the pure Self are: Inclusion of others, willing action, good intentions toward that which enriches not just a few but everyone. It helps us to respectfully allow others to do the same, following their own inner guidance.

Love is the gateway to receiving the pure Self’s direction. Love becomes the axis on which our thoughts, words, actions and decisions revolve. To love our Creator is easy; to love each other, wholly respect and support each other, wanting the best for one another, can be much harder.

Each day, let us be able to say: “Thank you, God, for having guided me to do all that which is pleasing to you and thus good for all with whom I share a common bond and responsibility. And thank you for letting me see your divine spark in all of your children.”

Self-realization is yoga or “oneness” with truth—the direct perception or experience of truth by the all-knowing intuitive faculty of the soul.
Paramhansa Yogananda.


“Falloween” – A Spiritual Celebration of Halloween

“Falloween” – A Spiritual Celebration of Halloween

Honoring Harvest Time and Departed Loved Ones

By Ischa Lea

Entering the sanctuary grounds in childlike secrecy, Sean and I sneaked into the children’s meditation room where we quickly donned our individual costumes. And, like little kids, we excitedly peeked through the window trying to guess who the wonderfully costumed individual walking down the pathway might be. What an immense, gorgeous Mexican hat and mask he wore! Turns out, it was none other than our dear Andy, whose beautiful antique car became the culprit that gave its owner’s identity away!

Greeting us as we walked through the kitchen door at the Lodge and dressed in full regalia stood a lovely Native American, Sharon Ray, busily tending to several warmers to ensure that all food would be at the right temperature and delicious throughout the evening.

“Wow!” she exclaimed. “Ischa, you look so beautiful I want to take you dancing!” And a pretty good dancer she was, breaking loose on the floor later in spontaneous reverie as Peter Schaefer, Guardian Tree Spirit, played his haunting flute melody.

Barbara’s Garden Fairy

Gracing our assemblage, resplendent with iridescent wings and carrying her magical wand was Barbara McCaughey. Little did our garden fairy suspect that I had whispered a small wish as she glided by, that the garden fairies in the sanctuary grounds outside would have much fun playing through her in our midst. And which party would ever be complete without a fortune-teller also? Smiling, all decked in perfect attire and carrying a crystal ball in her hands, Sunburst’s Vedic astrologer, Valerie King, with subdued voice and eyes softly peering at our auras, stood ready to declare her mystical insights.

Alas! We couldn’t have a party without good food, right? Delicious finger foods and treats graced our buffet table as everyone indulged themselves while being entertained by several “Falloweeners” exhibiting their great talents through the performance of several heart-warming, hilarious skits:

  • As pretend stressed-out new parents, Heiko and Emily Wirtz, with newborn (a butternut squash with a drawn-on face), pacifier in her mouth, swaddled in warm blankets and sleeping peacefully in her carriage, made their grand entrance, inviting all to help cuddle their lovely “baby girl.”
  • Mr. Compost, Sean Fennell, was a comical sight to behold as he sauntered onto the floor adorned in “mud,” composting vegetables, fruits and every imaginable bug—worms, spiders, centipedes—as well as mice, butterflies and birds. Thankfully, none were real and the mud was dark chocolate frosting with edible gummy worms on his face and arms!

“Mr. Compost”

  • And what major event on Earth could ever go unnoticed by our inter-galactic friends? Beaming down in the midst of our celebration were none other than our cosmic buddies Spock (Craig Hanson) and Lt. Uhura (Miriam Lamb) from the USS Enterprise, as well as Lt. Lukara, wife of the great Klingon warrior Kahless, who proceeded to narrate a most intriguing story of how she met her husband.
The Star Trek crew

The Star Trek crew

Music, dancing, musical chairs and fun prizes completed an amazing event; but also gracing the room with their unseen presence and energy all evening were many departed ones, whose photographs adorned a beautiful altar honoring the Day of the Dead, stood guard over the Lodge and the evening’s numerous events.

It has been said that our divine Parents created their divine children through whom they might enjoy the countless worlds and all things therein. Falloween proved to be an awesome forum for them to do just that! Laughter and fun filled the air that night, expressed in joy unbounded. It was a true celebration of SAMHAIN, the Gaelic festive night marking the beginning of the darkest part of the year whereby the veil between realities becomes increasingly subtle. A time to revel in the harvest, rejoice in the light (bonfires) that will illuminate the long nights and invite the faeries and loved ones past and present to an awesome celebration!

An Unforgettable Weekend

An Unforgettable Weekend

By Ischa Lea


Sunburst’s founder, Norman Paulsen, once wrote, “If God is indeed all things, then all images should be treated with respect. With this in mind, waste not that which God has created. Be temperate in all pursuits.” The virtue of Temperance and good Earth stewardship were singular threads that wove together an intricate tapestry of expression in a recent Intro to Permaculture event sponsored by Sunburst.

The Permaculture teachings that were presented are predicated on people living and working harmoniously in loving and respectful relationships with each other, with the Earth, with all life forms, and with the world at large. Warren Brush, internationally known Permaculture expert, was the presenter.

All ancestors from the four cardinal directions were called upon and honored. We petitioned for their guidance and blessings as we completed a hilltop Wheel of Life. There, a 360-degree vista mirrored the circular Earth as we projected future endeavors for Sunburst. Like tiny hummingbirds, we each drank from the nectar of this undertaking, aware that we were reenacting an ancient sacred ritual symbolic of harmony, balance, and peaceful interaction among all living beings.

The Wheel represented the sacred cycle of life (birth, death, rebirth), its four cardinal directions, as well as its connecting points for Mother Earth and Father Sky. The center represented us, and our connection with the four elements (earth, air, fire and water), with each direction offering its own lessons.

The Twelve Virtues and Eightfold Path have been the backbone of Sunburst’s teachings and good stewardship of the Earth has been a practice for decades. It was evident that the concept of Fair Share in Permaculture embodied beautifully the virtue of Charity. Perseverance and Equanimity are critical factors necessary for maintaining sustainable, peaceful communities.

As we learnt the logistics of building a compost heap, I was struck by the teacher’s comment that even the small pile that we had built was adequate for growing enough food to feed one person for an entire year! I could not imagine that the loving efforts of one person who had gathered leaves, kitchen scraps, straw and horse manure for a few weeks could have helped produce such a magical piece of sculpture. And, I couldn’t have imagined that placing shovels-full of horse manure and smelly vegetables on a heap could be so much fun!


We ended our workshop with a Gratitude Circle, each holding a sacred stone infused with the energy of thousands of people worldwide who had sat in a similar circle. Not uncommon among participants were tears of release from old thought restrictions, as well as expressions of joy, excitement and deep gratitude.

Each participant was deeply touched and inspired. Warren Brush reminded us all of the power of stories to not only recount history but to create history! At every level of our being we were nourished. It was indeed An Unforgettable Weekend!

I’m Down? Loyalty Is Up!

I’m Down? Loyalty Is Up!

By Sharon Ray

Our lives have been touched by the Divine. Yes, we have been touched, exactly like the lighting of a candle. Our candle has been lit, now we are the protectors and tenders of that fire. The flame that has been given to us is our most precious possession. We want to build that little flame into a blazing bonfire of devotion that will magnetize the Divine to us; and in that Unity we will feel what Norm spoke of as “God’s unbelievable love”. We will feel the Glory of the Almighty Creator who loves us more than we can imagine. Those who know, say, “God wants us a million times more than we want God!”

Sometimes on the Path I get discouraged. I think I’m not growing fast enough, or I think that for God’s sake, I should be enlightened by now. It makes me feel like giving up, except, I’m really lucky: I know that for me, there’s nothing to give up to; there’s nowhere else to go; nothing else worth pursuing. I know that the pleasures I’ve had can’t compare with the pleasure of attaining the One I am seeking. Those who know, tell us, “God is the most relishable!”

So, when I’m down, loyalty is up, and it says, “Redouble your efforts.” Paramahansa Yogananda said, “Results are found by forgetting about results and going on working for them.”

flame-heartSo, when I want to feel the touch of my Divine Parents, when I want to come closer to God, I have to practice loyalty and STAY with my Lord: I have to give my Beloved more of my time, in meditation, in doing the things that inspire me, in tuning into the Presence throughout the day, that Presence that is always here supporting us, and is always HERE for us, loving us. God is very loyal to US, because that loyalty is born of an intense Love; and as we fan the flames of devotion, our loyalty will grow until we can say with all our heart,

“Lord, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for You.”

Beloved Father, Mother God, teach me to be loyal to the path homeward, to do everything I do for Your sake, to never give up– having faith that you want to merge with me even more than I want to merge with You. Help me find ways to prove my love and loyalty to You by practicing virtue especially when it is most difficult. Help me find the daily quiet time I need to build my relationship with You, giving Your Presence my full attention. May my love for You grow until I can truly say, “Lord, there is nothing that I wouldn’t do for You,” Amen.

Temperance and Our Earth Mother

Temperance and Our Earth Mother

By Sharon Ray

One of the beautiful transformations that happens to us along the spiritual path is that compassion for and oneness with all things increases. We don’t have tunnel vision on our own needs anymore. Our scope becomes much wider and ultimately covers the whole world and everything in it. The feeling of Ahimsa (harmlessness), grows strong in us and we care about the health and welfare of everyone and everything, including the planet.

Driving into the Sunburst Sanctuary, I am often struck by how feminine the lines of the earth are, those rolling hills are so reminiscent of the female outline in all its softness. “Earth Mother,” the planet is often called for her loveliness and for all she gives to support and sustain the lives of all who live upon her.

Sunburst teaches that good “stewardship” of the Earth’s resources and refraining from waste are practices that belong to the virtue of temperance. Norman Paulsen, Sunburst’s founder, wrote, “If God is indeed all things, then all images should be treated with respect. With this in mind, waste not that which God has created. Be temperate in all pursuits.” When we love something we take care of it well. Love is the center from which temperance and all the virtues emanate.


I recently viewed a documentary on YouTube called, “The Overview Effect,” and it powerfully deepened my appreciation for and love of our Earth. In the movie, astronauts who have seen the Earth from space were interviewed. Their description of this life-changing experience is accompanied by footage of our lovely blue-green planet floating in space. The astronauts say that it is a moving experience to see the Earth from the rocket’s perspective where the background is the black sky of outer space. As the Earth turns, the ozone can be seen as a very thin layer glowing and hugging the surface of the Earth. One astronaut said that it struck him how “paper thin” the atmosphere is, and how sobering it is to think that this tiny layer “is all that protects every living thing from death.”

“The overview effect” is the name that was given to describe the transformational shift in perspective that so many of the astronauts experienced in space, where this feeling of unity and oneness with all life came upon them. They felt without a doubt that their individual self and the species as a whole is a manifestation of a larger Whole. They saw the Earth as an exquisitely beautiful, “living, breathing organism, extremely fragile.” It was seen that Earth is “an oasis against the backdrop of infinity,” and that everything we do on one side of the ecosystem effects the other side of it.

How important, and what a joy is the practice of temperance towards the Earth’s resources—not to waste or harm, but to choose wisely, realizing that Her welfare is in our hands. In thanks for all we are given, we can give back the gift of good stewardship!

Oh, Mother Earth, how lovely you are! Thank you for sustaining my life with oxygen, water, food, and for blessing my life with your natural beauty. Help me to be a good steward of your health and wellbeing, to be temperate and use only what I need, and to think of your welfare as I live and make my choices. Help me to find ways to make my life a healing blessing to you, dear Earth Mother!

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