By Ischa Lea
What an exciting day it was at Sunburst Sanctuary on Saturday, May 28th as Reverend Ron Gibbons guided all participants through a meditative journey of soul exploration through mandala painting. Signifying the wholeness of creation, the word mandala is derived from Tibetan Sanskrit. Mandala translates “to be in possession of,” or “to know oneself.”
A well-seasoned teacher on this topic, Reverend Gibbons touched on some of the historical aspects of mandalas reflected in both Eastern and Western renderings. He said:
Representing the order beneath the change and apparent chaos of our lives, it is the invisible thread that ties our existence into a living net, or the spokes of our turning wheel. It is then the relationship between the individual and his life situation, the seeing of the relations between things, and the vividness of life as it is.
The mandala is universal, with one constant, the principle of the center. The center is the beginning and origin of all forms and processes, including the extension of form into time. Nature paints for us the most magnificent mandalas in flowers, snowflakes, galaxies, the rings of a tree, even the eye, all emanating from the grand center of creation, the mind of God.
The speaker’s words and the visual slide show inspired participants to enter their “inner garden” during a guided meditation. Some amazing revelations emerged, and were later shared—unique experiences coming from a Higher Self. A personal mandala rendering by each participant expressed this significance, no matter one’s artistic talents.
A mystical, magical time, it was as evidenced by the healing that occurred for one person, the overall clarity that most experienced as it pertained to their present life situations, and the overall excitement and joy that pervaded the room.
One cannot but feel the childlike anticipation of intrigue that further inspirations might hold. We continue to meditate and embellish our individual works of art, or create new ones. A joyful, healing and meditative journey of exploration still unfolding, one must reflect in awe the power of the mandala. And, as Reverend Gibbons cited:
The center of the mandala is not only the external constant of space, but also of time. The center of time is now, living totally in the now of one’s existence is to unfold like a mandala.
By Ischa Lea
What is this light that within glows
A thousand rays in all direction goes
What is this peace, this joy it holds
That none can explain, merely concur
If to him, to her its witness shows?
Darkness if there be, matters not
Its presence made invisible,
Vulnerable, inconsequential, weak
For in this light is held the joy I seek
Yes, this light powerful yet so meek
O great light, soother of souls
O devourer of ego, of falsehood all
Bare we become, stripped to the core
As a young babe in our mother’s arms
Pure love to receive, O light divine
Where there is love there can only be light; where there is light there can only be joy; where there is joy there can only be peace; where there is peace there can only be God; where there is God, there can only be virtue; where there is virtue, there is only pure consciousness; and where there is only pure consciousness, there lies bliss, there lies the one, the all, the beginning of the pure light we once were and the light we are again to become. This is the beginning, the journey, the end.
By Ischa Lea
So often I listen to beautiful songs sung, hear beautiful words read, feel uplifted in my soul, yet watch the cosmic play unfold in mockery to those songs, those words, those pleasant platitudes.
Even as a child I wondered about this, having my talks with God in secret: “Lord, why is the world so bad—even the same people who say nice things and read the good books to us?” Being a child, I would innocently blurt out what I saw, then be reprimanded then for speaking my mind. By my elders, I was branded “disrespectful” for noting that some speakers we heard were proud, parroting other’s insights. Their audiences were appeased, yet all week so few were nice.
My grandfather stood always on my side. He was a man of great integrity and honesty, and many would seek his counsel in the neighborhood. I was naughty, for I would occasionally whisper in his ear, “Nana, that’s not a nice person.”
Grandfather would smile and say to me, “My child, they don’t know any better.” Of course I would protest, “But Nana, they’re big; if they don’t know, then why do they play boss?” In local jargon that meant “Why on earth did they behave as if they knew!”
The shackles of a child’s body were unbearable and confusing, were it not for the fun part, playing games—and not having to worry about cooking or laundry, and all the things adults worry about. “What else is there?” I thought. When would I ever be able to speak my mind without being told to “hush?”
Well, being a grown up became an eye opener. I wasn’t being told to hush anymore; it was worse. I had to know when and how to speak my mind without hurting someone, or when to simply be quiet even though it hurt to do so!
Yes, decades have passed. The same movie of life is still being shown over and over again; however, I’ve learned that I’m not here to change anyone, only to be an instrument of change in the world by being honest in front of my Maker. It’s only to my Divine Parents that I have to prove myself, even though they do not ask for it. It is only before them that I can truly bare my soul and say, “Lord, I know I’m not perfect in this human body, but help me please to think and act in such a way toward all my brothers and sisters, and all of nature, so that my thoughts and actions may be pleasing to thee, Lord. Please, guide me by Thy divine hand.”
Thy Divine Hand
In thought, word and deed O Lord I pray
Make me an instrument for Thy loving hand
In virtue, dignity and commitment to stand,
Ever guided in all things by Thy divine hand
Each day Lord, make me an instrument of love,
Let not my ego above good judgment command
In heart-centered action toward all I ask
Give me strength to be guided by Thy divine hand
Seeking not to be controlled, nor to control any
Let me, in free spirit undertake all tasks at hand
In sincerity, humility, and integrity let me stand
Give me courage to be guided by Thy divine hand
I know not what’s best but know enough though
That when my heart’s open, Thy energy to it can flow
Sculpting my day, my intentions, dreams, and plans
That all will be well when guided by Thy divine hand
All are Thy creatures, Thy children, Thy creation dear
How can I in honesty one above another show care?
Let me not for a single moment, on this sacred land
Stray from Thy light, Thy love, from Thy divine hand
By Sean Fennell
We give ourselves over to the influence of the breathing Earth.
Sleep, the shadow of the Earth, seeps into our skin, spreading throughout our limbs, dissolving our individual will into the thousand and one selves that compose it—cells, tissues and organs taking their prime directives from gravity and the wind as residual bits of sunlight, caught in the long tangle of nerves, wanders through the drifting landscape of our Earth-borne bodies like deer moving across the forested valleys.
Where Spirit, Nature and Humans meet in oneness—in activity, as well as non-activity—I find my center. Permaculture is not just about growing gardens; it’s about growing infinite possibilities. It’s the marriage of the spiritual with the natural and social, and therefore, one of the highest expressions of co-creating with Spirit.
Everything belongs to Spirit; it’s designed, created, operated and maintained by Spirit. We humans are merely caretakers of this divine creation. As such, we are obligated to share all Spirit’s gifts fairly with others.
The basic principles of Permaculture are Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share. It’s at the intersection where these three practices converge that infinite possibilities exist. In meditation we strive to commune with Spirit inwardly; in Permaculture we strive to connect with Spirit outwardly.
Acknowledging this fact, I’m faced with the questions: “What does Permaculture look like at Sunburst?” and “What infinite possibilities can I co-create with Spirit moving forward—not only for the immediate future, but for generations to come?”
We sleep, allowing gravity to hold us, allowing Earth, our
larger body, to recalibrate our neurons, composting the keen encounters of our waking hours (the tensions, joys and terrors of our individual days), stirring them back as dreams into the sleeping substance of our muscles.
As we move forward, the future of Sunburst looks brighter than ever, for what can be greater than honoring our Divine Mother and Father, by loving and caretaking Mother Earth and all her creatures, utilizing her natural resources with utmost respect and care, loving others as we do ourselves, sharing the fruits of our labor and our God-given talents with passion and commitment?
In the vast, endless sea of eternity,
My body, mind and Spirit with Thee,
In truth I strive to be the best I can be,
Better than none, but simply all I can be.
In silence amidst the inner worlds I dance,
Feeling Thy presence. Oh the Divine Romance!
How can I contain this gift from Thee,
How can I let it flow unceasingly?
Awakening gladly to the Sun-kissed day,
Knowing love cannot be held, simply shared,
Given to Nature and to all brothers, sisters dear.
This gift, my offering, I humbly bear.
By Sharon Ray
In building a life of inner harmony, it’s so important to slow down. This is not easy. It’s not easy to create space in our lives, but it can be done through choices. Inner harmony is a form of peace, certainly. In order to have peace, it’s important to have quiet time, and to have it every day, especially on the days that we have “off.”
Sitting with a good spiritual book and a cup of tea or coffee is a balm to the soul. Taking a rest in between paragraphs or chapters just to look around the room to listen to the sounds: the rain on the roof, the birds chirping, the hum of the refrigerator. These are moments of pure consciousness, of pure conscious awareness. These are moments when we are consciously connected to our true and eternal Self. That Self is looking out of our eyes. It is listening with our ears.
Time alone with the Divine, doesn’t just happen. We literally have to “carve out the time.” That means we have to take something out to put our quiet time in. Developing this true inner life of harmony and to make it our home, whether we are at work or at play, is essential to our happiness.
On what days and at what times can you make space for simply sitting? What do you need to take out of your day, or reschedule, in order to enjoy some time with your own True Nature? Make a date with your pure Self to just enjoy Being.
“There is nothing else worth seeking in this life!”
– Norman Paulsen, Sunburst’s Founder