All Hallow’s Eve
By Dawn King
Walking home from evening yoga at the Lodge, the sky is awesome.
Twinkling stars peak from between scattered buttermilk clouds.
In the East, a full moon rises from behind low fog.
Other clouds appear to be glowing angels hovering protectively overhead.
I pause at the labyrinth, stepping purposefully into its center;
only my feet knowing why and where.
Moonlight plays upon the the standing stones.
I’m mesmerized—such beauty overhead and all around me!
The journey calls me onward, though my soul desires to stay in this timeless joy forever.
Now I’m overwhelmed by a symphony of crickets,
as well as intriguing shadows of pendulous leaves suspended from branches
…about to embrace fall’s naked truth.
Sweet cool breath of Nature’s ever shifting fragrance
allows me deep drafts of life… renewed.
And I am renewed!