• Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • NASA Photo “Hand of God” • What a fantastic thing it is, this Divine Consciousness which is within and around all of us. It is here within you right now, as much as it ever will be. Think of what life would be if everyone was fully aware of I Am That I Am within themselves.
Yes, then the gods would walk the Earth again. Everything human created would be of divine design: the arts, the sciences, structures. One can hardly imagine what our world would be like with all children of God in total possession of Christ consciousness.
Why do we meditate? Meditation leads us within, to discover our true relationship with our Creator, and all life forms. We learn to be caretakers of all the images that I Am That I Am has created.
Meditate to gain your own freedom, and to help the cause of freedom for everyone. Meditate to possess immortality and know it possess you. The answer to every question is within you. It is investigated in solitude, deep prayer and meditation, and with desire and love for God, our Divine Father and Mother.
The nature of the universe is love—unconditional, unending. We think we lose loved ones; that’s an illusion. We find them again the the future. This life was all wrought not that you suffer, but that you joyfully exist in it; to realize how wonderful, how thrilling it is to be in your body, this great atomic structure produced by light and consciousness.
Yes, who created us? Who sustains us? Who keeps all those electrons in obedient orbit? I Am That I Am does! It is dreaming, through our self-conscious minds, that it is you and me and everyone else—each of us unique. But when it wakes up into Christ consciousness, it knows who it really is.
This Divine Consciousness knows it created each of our bodies and everything we see. With each step you take upon the Earth, it feels the vibrational ring and connections with all the atoms therein. You put forth your hand to pick the fruit of a tree, to taste the nectar the sweetness—I Am That I Am is there within you.
Yes, the senses of taste, touch, sight, and hearing are raised to another level when you experience them with the Divine. Hear the wind moving through the trees; see the blue sky and feel the warm sun; realize the miracle of this world floating in infinity…with no end out there that you can behold at this moment.
Who created all of this? That which is inner-dimensionally right within you today! You need to and can know our Creator face to face! That is why we pray and meditate, to know, to speak with, and to enjoy the creation with our Creator every day.