• by Norman Paulsen, Sunburst Founder • To gaze upon the past is to look upon shadows. It matters not what you have done, or where you have come from. Those who have seen and merged with I Am That I Am, the Christ consciousness, all specify that NOW is the time. This very moment, this very life, this miraculous body that you have possession of, should be deemed extraordinary. It’s extraordinary to be alive; it‘s even more extraordinary to hear about eternal life, and the fact that it can be attained. Therefore, each one of us has one goal before us: its attainment.
To think you have other lifetimes for its attainment is to be deluded. With all your strength, all your mind, and all your love, seek I Am That I Am now, while you can. Who can say if after this lifetime you will hear of it again? Now is the time!
To attain that of which we speak demands obedience to the love and virtue it teaches us. I Am That I Am seeks to bring forth this divine rebirth within each of us. It is waiting for all who will receive, guard, nourish, shelter, preserve, and grow it. Every cell of the physical body will be encompassed by it, born into the kingdom of heaven. The orbits of the atoms begin to change in vibration. The son and daughter of God comes forth in joy indescribably, unimaginable!
This earthly life is so short in duration. All that you desire in this world, having gained it, will not fulfill you. Nothing can fill the great emptiness that can only be occupied by I Am That I Am. Cast aside all desires in hopes that you might gain this pearl of great price; that which cannot be bought, sold or controlled.
Like a tiny flame within you, shelter it from the winds of worldly thoughts and desires. Once receiving it, realize that this is your moment, and only you can bring it forth to its full height and know its full purpose, as a son or daughter of God. Pray, cry, pull, desire Mother-Father Divine.
If negative thoughts surround you and plague you, realize they are not yours unless you accept them. Daily, whether you’re working, eating, playing, or praying, constantly try to give all that you do and are, the good and the bad, to I Am That I Am. In our truthfulness and sacrifice, each of us is seen as we are, and will be rewarded openly. By being honest and forthright before God, we are forgiven; we are relieved and lifted up.
Mother-Father Divine takes a seat in the rear. She is not found in front, but behind; not above, but below. Divine Father walks with you wherever you go, unknown to you unless you seek him.
I said to God, “Speak to me of rebirth. Whisper to me of immortal life. It is for all of us; this I surely see.” I Am That I Am, the name of the most high, our Mother and Father Creator, conceives the true you, the true me, the pure Self. This is the rebirth! This is the immortal Christ Child.
Speak this name, chant it. Think of Him and Her all the livelong day. One drop of that Light will change your life forever. The great bliss and ecstasy is before you now. It alights upon your head as you meditate. It touches the secret places in each of us. I Am That I Am will create us anew while yet we live, if we will but allow, if we will remain steadfast, and seek. We’re afraid to die for fear of losing the body, but in seeing I Am, we become fearless, and in giving ourselves to the Divine, we become immortal. This gift is what we seek; and it is to be administered.